Toppers’ Strategy to Get AIR 1 in JEE Advanced 2024

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Toppers’ Strategy to Get AIR 1 in JEE Advanced 2024

JEE Advanced is one of the toughest yet competitive exams in India. Well, it takes a lot to be the highest performer in the country’s toughest competitive test. An All India Rank-1 holder is a one-in-a-million star who inspires and motivates the entire nation’s aspirants. If you are one of those dreamers aiming to get AIR 1 in JEE Advanced 2024, you are on the right page. 

This blog post of Prince Blogs includes every topper’s strategy to get AIR 1 in JEE Advanced 2024. Well, cracking the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced is already a tough milestone, and securing All India Rank 1 is the ultimately challenging dream of every engineering aspirant in India. So, the hard work level must be at its peak for a student who wishes to accomplish the target AIR 1.

The First Step to Get AIR 1 in JEE Advanced 2024: Clearing JEE Main 

Speaking of competition, every year, lakhs of students appear for the JEE Main exam, but only a few are able to get the chance to appear for the JEE Advanced. So, the first stage of entering an IIT or securing a top in advance is JEE Main. Hence, a student who aspires to be the AIR 1 winner in JEE Advanced must crack JEE Main 2024 with the highest rank possible.

Even JEE Main is not an easy exam, as it takes a lot of hard work and perfection in problem-solving. So, an AIR 1 aspirant must know the importance of JEE Main and its impact on the JEE Advanced.

We say JEE Main is the entry pass to JEE Advanced and, hence, must score well in this test. After all, a student who scored well for JEE Main can crack the JEE Advanced easily, as he is already a pro in all the concepts. So, a JEE Main topper just needs to focus on the weak points and errors he made during the JEE Main exam while preparing for JEE Advanced. So, we can say that JEE Main is a better practice test for JEE Advanced. 

Also, with JEE Main, a student is exposed to the competitive exam atmosphere before appearing for JEE Advanced. Hence, a JEE Main ranker can appear more confidently for JEE Advanced. A student who took the JEE Main seriously can manage time and pressure in no time and definitely perform well in JEE Advanced.

How to Get AIR 1 IN JEE Advanced 2024?  

Cracking JEE Advanced includes a wide range of unique strategies and approaches for an AIR 1 aspirant to follow that can give them an edge over others. Let us discuss some unique strategies to get AIR 1 in JEE Advanced 2024.

Focus on Problem-Solving Skills:

One of the most crucial skills that a JEE Advanced aspirant needs to have is problem-solving. An AIR 1 aspirant must master every problem-solving tactic to excel in time management and accuracy in the final test. After all, this exam is all about solving problems, and to get a top rank, one needs to be excellent in this skill. Hence, instead of just memorizing formulas and theories, focus on developing problem-solving skills. 

Also, students must try to solve problems using different sources. They must learn to analyze the solutions before coming to conclusions. Hence, AIR 1 aspirants must learn to solve a problem in the easiest yet most productive way within the given time without any further confusion. 

We say that with proper understanding and analysis, a student can solve any problem in no time. This will help the student better understand the concepts and improve his or her problem-solving skills.

Build a Strong Foundation:

To crack and get AIR 1 in JEE Advanced, it is always essential to have a strong foundation. A student with the proper foundation under visionary instructors from India’s best JEE Advanced trainers like Prince Academy can excel in basic and advanced concepts of physics, chemistry, and mathematics. 

Without a solid foundation, it will be challenging to understand advanced and most critical concepts and solve problems. After all, these are the concepts that decide the final score of any student. Hence, AIR 1 must focus on building a strong foundation in the basic concepts and then move on to the advanced topics.

Select the Best Coaching:

They say, “The best results are possible under the best teaching.” That is why selecting the best teacher for IIT Coaching is quintessential for an AIR 1 aspirant. As JEE Main and Advanced are highly competitive and comprise three subjects, mathematics, physics, and chemistry, an AIR 1 contender must take caution while selecting the best coaching centre out there!

Speaking of the best coaching, PCP Sikar is one of the best IIT JEE institutes in India, and it has decades of experience in providing quality education. Our institute encourages every peer to become an IITian and NITian. Our qualified teachers’ and professors’ motto is to help students enter their dream colleges by providing excellent coaching for every national and regional competitive test. 

Time Management:

Time management is one of the most critical aspects of cracking JEE Advanced. However, the term Time Management is a success mantra for a student who wishes to secure AIR 1. Well, the student’s time management while preparing for JEE Advanced will enhance better processing and even revising every important cornerstone of all the subjects. So, an AIR 1 aspirant must excel in the skill of managing time effectively during the exam to attempt all the questions within the given time. 

Also, he must practice time management during his preparation by setting a timer for each section or topic. Never forget to analyze your time management skills after each practice test and identify the areas where you need to improve. 

Time management is also a quintessential tool that aids in better performance during the test, as the student can spare time more time on the complex questions by solving the easiest ones in the very beginning in less time possible.

Solve Previous Year Papers:

Solving previous year’s papers is the most common advice that every student receives every once in a while. But how important is this strategy? Well, despite being the most common tactic, solving previous papers is an excellent way to understand the exam pattern and the type of questions asked in JEE Advanced. 

Besides, practising the previous papers with much attention will help in identifying the topics that are frequently asked in the exam and in preparing accordingly. Hence, AIR 1 aspirants must understand the importance of the previous papers and their significance in the JEE Advanced preparation. After all, solving the previous year’s papers will help in improving time management skills and in getting used to the exam environment.

Take Breaks:

We all know preparing for JEE Advanced can be stressful, and we must design one of the most complicated schedules to crack this exam. Hence, it is essential to take breaks regularly to relax and rejuvenate. 

A proper rest period will help reduce stress and improve concentration. Hence, students must design a study plan and try to take short breaks every hour or so during their preparation. They should also engage in activities that they enjoy, such as playing a sport, listening to music, or reading a book.

Best advice for JEE Advanced AIR1 from Previous Toppers

First of all, achieving All India Rank 1 in JEE Advanced is a remarkable achievement, and the path to success is never easy. No one knows the majestic experience of achieving an AIR 1 Rank in JEE Advanced compared to the previous toppers. Hence, we collected some valuable advice that can benefit future aspirants from the previous rankers. Here is some of the best advice for JEE Advanced AIR1 from previous toppers:

Focus on Conceptual Clarity:

Concept-wise, learning enhances better understanding and proper practice. Hence, many previous toppers have emphasized the importance of building a strong foundation in the basic concepts. So, an AIR 1 aspirant must start by strengthening all the weak spots in the basic concepts before jumping into advanced mode. 

After all, understanding the concepts thoroughly is essential for solving complex problems and achieving a top rank. Hence, toppers say that it is essential to focus on developing conceptual clarity and solving problems by applying the concepts.

Collaborate with Peers:

Learning must always be fun and interesting. Besides, collaborating with peers who have similar goals can be an excellent way to improve your preparation. Well, this process will help us share knowledge, solve problems together, and motivate each other. After all, collaborating with peers can help reduce stress and make the preparation process more enjoyable.

Practice Regularly:

Regular practice boosts the focus on exam preparation. Hence, practising regularly will help an AIR 1 aspirant crack JEE Advanced. Consistent practice will also help in identifying weaknesses and improving problem-solving skills. Practice solving problems from different sources and analyzing the solutions to identify the approach taken by others.

Develop a Positive Attitude and Stay Motivated:

A positive attitude is essential to achieving success in any field, and the same holds for JEE Advanced. A positive attitude will help stay motivated and focused during the preparation. Try to stay optimistic and surround yourself with positive people who can encourage and motivate you. 

Staying motivated is essential for achieving success in any field, and the same holds for JEE Advanced. Many previous toppers have emphasized the importance of staying motivated and focused during the preparation. It is essential to keep the end goal in mind and to stay optimistic.


In conclusion, the advice shared by previous toppers can be beneficial for future aspirants. However, it is essential to understand that every individual’s journey is unique, and it is crucial to find what works best for oneself. So, work on yourself first! 

Well, cracking JEE Advanced and securing AIR 1 is not an easy task, but with the right strategies and approach, it is possible to achieve this goal. We assure you that the unique strategies discussed in this article can help in improving preparation and in giving an edge over other aspirants. Remember to stay focused, work hard, and believe in yourself. Good luck!


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